Friday, May 22, 2009

Taking tube out

Here are pictures of them taking the tubes out.
Got the tape off and pulled the tubes. Got the suction tube to get the crud out. Still have the yellow feeding tube in though.

Doctors listening to her breathe and taking off the arm restraints.

White teddy keeping her comfy. Ellie looks so warn out. We are so happy to be able to see more of her face and have her breathing without the tube. So far her oxygen levels are staying in the 90s. This is where they want them! When she breathes she sounds like she has a horrible cold with tons of congestion. She has to keep coughing it up to get it out. We try to get her to talk but she doesn't want to. Her throat is sore from the tube being in so maybe soon she'll be talkin' again.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell her I think she is beautiful! I can't wait to see her at Church again. She is a great little lady.
