Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ellie after surgery

After they changed the bandage this is what Ellie's head looks like.

Ellie opened her eyes big so I could get a picture of her.
The yellow tube coming out of her left nostril is for feedings, pediasure.
The larger tube going into her mouth is obviously the breathing tube and the way they suction out her lungs. The clear tube coming out of her right nostril is to suction out the acid in her stomach so she doesn't get acid burns.

This is Ellie's incision and sutures. I got a quick pic. Yellow stuff is iodine still on her. Her hair was braided by a nurse the first night.

Peacefully sleeping the first day. The black stuffed animal is the panther that holds her tubes up and cuddles her.

A picture farther away to see some of the machines and all the tubes.


  1. that picture with the panther is adorable


  2. Keep the faith! She is so beautiful even with a shaved head! You are in my prayers and God is with you always! Take are and thank you for keeping us informed! Kriss Engstrom
