Monday, May 3, 2010

Relay For Life pictures

Below are pictures Ellie's friend Emma's mom Heidi took for us at Relay for Life during the walk. This is the first lap where survivors got to walk with their family members. This was very touching for me walking this lap. I couldn't talk, I was all choked up. You can see Ellie on Ryan's shoulders and then Ellie walking with Emma during the second lap when everyone got to join in. This was a long, loud night, but the girls and Nate had fun anyway. They played in a tent we set up and eventually fell asleep. Ryan and I were up all night with tiny attempts at snoozes since the music and activities were so loud. Nathan cashed out at midnight or 1am and the girls made it until 3am. Craziness, but fun! Although next year I believe we will join an outdoor relay that is quieter and more family friendly.

Our team did such a great job at raising money we made the bronze level. There are bronze, silver, and gold levels depending on the amount of money your team raises. This is great for our first year. Maybe next year we will shoot for silver! Thanks to all the team members; Ryan, Heidi, Stephanie, Marilyn, Javier, Meghan, Jennifer, DoLoras, Emma, and more thanks to everyone who donated to the cause, Julie, Tim, Jane, Mike, Nadia, Amy, team members and many more. I believe our team raised around $1,200 for the American Cancer Society. Thanks to ABC Embroidery in Evansdale who gave us a great price, and did beautiful artwork, on the TEAM ELLIE T-shirts for the relay.

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