Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday night

Tonight Ryan found a frog while he was trimming the yard with the weed wacker. He brought it up on the deck for the kids to see. Nathan held it and Ellie was only brave enough to touch it. I snapped a couple pics cause it's not common around here to have a frog encounter.

Also tonight Candice and Bre from the UNI volleyball team came out to the house to bring some surprises for Ellie. Ellie was so excited and enjoyed her gifts right away. This is us putting the princess puzzle together and Ellie putting the last piece in the puzzle. Thanks to the UNI Volleyball team for making Ellie feel so special.

I want to say Happy Birthday to my little bro Javier. Although you aren't little anymore you'll always be my little brother. I'm a lucky big sister to have a brother like you. You've been amazing support all our life. Love you and Stephanie, Hudson and baby so much!

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    Hope all of you are doing well. I hope Ellie is healing wonderfully. Her stitches remind me of when I had mine in Kindergarten on my head and finger.

    Hope to hear more soon :)
