Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well since we've had Elllie home we have all been happy to get back to somewhat normal routines. Ellie has been excited and not wanting to go to bed at 8 like usual. She wants to sit in her room and play with her toys. She begs for five more minutes. I can tell she really missed just playing in her own domain. Now we begin the process of unpacking all the gifts she received.

She went back to daycare at SonRise yesterday. She was excited and happily went to play. She reported she had a good day and even came home with braids in her hair! This morning she had trouble letting go of me. She wanted to come with me today. All of this change every few weeks is taking a lot of adjusting. This morning she complained about not wanting to wear sunglasses so I explained the importance of that to her again, she took them with her anyway. She said she just wants to be "regular again." So I asked her what she meant by regular, she said, "not have to wear sunglasses cause of her eye." She wants to be able to close her eye and smile again like "regular". Sweet pea. It's sad and hard to hear her say she doesn't have a pretty smile and see her cry because she wants to be regular again. It makes my heart ache for her. I cry with her sometimes. How do you explain to a child why she has to go through this?


  1. Oh that makes my heart ache for her. Little by little... Sweet thing!

  2. Alicia, I would seek some advice from the social workers at the hospital or Iowa City. They deal with this a lot and may have some excellent advice for you. It has to be very hard on Ellie and it is equally hard on you and Ryan.. Let her know that you, Ryan, and everyone else and God love her no matter what her smile is like!

