Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Award pictures

This is Ms. Kelso giving Ellie the $100 for the award. Ms. Kelso is the mother of the boy who died but her family gives out an award for courage to one student each year. Her son loved to shop so she gives them money to shop. Ellie also likes to shop. She bought some summer sandals, bathing suites, Barbies, flowers for Grandma and still has money left.

 This is Mrs. Bromwich, Ellie's teacher giving Ellie a hug.

This is a blurry Mrs. Bromwich reading a little about Ellie before she gets the card and money. On the big screen in the back is Ms. Struck looking down.  She met with Ellie weekly to help her process and deal with all that she went through. I saw a huge difference in the way Ellie was talking about, expressing her feelings and dealing with the fears of the hospital trips. Thank you so much Ms. Struck, you played a huge role in Ellie's recovery. We couldn't have done it without you and many others. Ms. Struck was at her son's graduation from law school this day so she pre recorded a message and introduction about the award, then named Ellie. Part way through her talk Ellie realized Ms. Struck was talking about her and turned to me and asked if she was talking about her. I said yes, then Ellie turned to her friend Ahmad next to her and his mother and said, "She is talking about me!" It was so cute when she recognized. Then Mrs. Bromwich came down the aisle to get Ellie with a huge smile and Ellie went right up with her. It was quite emotional. Lots of us had tears. I was shaking taking these pics. Hence their blurriness. sorry.
This is a picture of the little boy that died and that the award is named after. Scott Paul Weston.

Pics of people that came. I didn't get everyone though. Sorry I missed some of you.

This is Ms. Bigler, one of the nurses that took such good care of her all year. Ms. Bigler and Ms. Christiason did a wonderful job. Thanks to them also.

Here is Ellie with her teach Mrs. Bromwich.

Here are Ellie and her good friend Abbey.

...and Nathan pooped at the end of the day Sunday. I thought this was so cute. Had to include it.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. I wanted to come, but we were at my sister's (whose husband just died of leukemia) helping her with some projects around her house.) Ellie is such a special girl. I'm looking forward to teaching her again in Sunday school this week while Jennifer is on vacation. Bev

  2. Looks like Ellie's day was a great one! I hope she had a fun day and I'm keeping posted on her! Tell her to enjoy her summer and have some fun! :)

  3. I think Ellie's friend Abbey is my Aunt's grand daughter from her husband's side.
