Friday, January 22, 2010

MRI date change

Hi, Ellie was going to have her next follow up MRI on Tuesday the 26th, but it isn't going to be Tuesday anymore. The sedation clinic called me for the questions before sedation like they always do and they said they were going to do it the same way as last time. So I said I thought we were just going to give her some oral meds to relax her some and try to not have to do anesthesia since this was a fast 12 minute MRI. So she said it wasn't ordered that way so we had to talk to the doctor to change it. So she talked to the nurse coordinator for pediatric oncology and they read over the reports of the last MRIs and noticed Ellie didn't even take the oral meds well and wouldn't let them do the IV for the anesthesia so they didn't think she'd be cooperative this time around either, so they ordered general anesthesia for her. That means it was cancelled so general anesthesia and the oncologist can be available at the same time to get it done. General anesthesia means she breathes gas through a mask to put her to sleep so they can do the IVs and everything while she's asleep. Trying to decrease the trauma. But all this time, these past three months, we've had Ellie in therapy with the school counselor doing play therapy so she can process all this she's been through and we've been preparing her for oral meds, IV meds and staying awake for a fast MRI. But since plans change from when we leave one doctor to the time they schedule the MRI and meds get ordered differently things get screwed up. So then I question the sedation nurse when she calls and all the prep we've been doing with Ellie goes to the way side. So needless to say they want to continue to use general anesthesia and sedation that way until she gets older and more mature to handle the needles and such. I can see there side because she is so scared of the needles and stuff and she's still young but then don't tell us we can try it one way and not order it that way. It's an emotional roller coaster changing plans the week before it's supposed to happen and now waiting again for the new date.

I'll let you know when it's rescheduled for. Thanks for listening/reading my venting. Sorry.

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