Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It was the cutest thing...

One morning I was leaving Nathan at Wendy's daycare, I handed him over to her and said bye bye. Nathan stretched out his right arm, looked at his hand, opened his fingers and moved his hand back and forth while opening and closing his fingers as if waving to me. It was so adorable it melted my heart. Of course he hasn't done it since. Now when we say goodbye he sticks his arm out and opens his hand like he's reaching out to touch you. It's really cute.

Other cute things Nathan does...

#1-I think he's starting to give kisses like his cousin Hudson who is also at daycare and probably does this to him a lot. When I say gimme kisses to Nate he leans his head forward and touches foreheads. This is how Hudson used to give kisses all the time. I LOVE IT!

#2-When Nathan is sitting in his high chair and Ellie runs by he starts to giggle. Then Ellie starts playing hide and peek with him and they have a great time. It's wonderful to see them enjoying each other.

#3-Nathan looks up to Ellie so much already. When I say "Where's Sissy?" he looks around the room for her. He'll crawl over to her and more than not grabs her hair. She hates it but he loves her hair. Sometimes he goes over to her and puts his hand really close to her hair with this palm open but doesn't quite touch it. He knows he probably shouldn't touch it but you can tell he wants to. Stinker.

I could go on forever of course...

#4-Nathan scrunches his nose up, sticks his lips out pursed like a kiss and breathes heavily in and out his nose. Sounds like boogers are bothering him and he's trying to blow them out, but it's really funny. (As seen in the picture above)

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